Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Time Takes It's Own Sweet Time

To continue a tradition I started last year, I’m just doing a quick recap of year 2008.
At the end of last year I said and I quote, “2007 for me was the year of friends and beginnings. In a very God Shiva sense. Things got destroyed and were regenerated.
Something paramount happened in almost everyone’s life this year and I can only wish that 2008 sees it all through happily.”

Well… 2008 - the reality.

Audrey Jane did get married to her Bingley. The wedding was a fun affair for all of us but her. She’s made a cozy little nest and is in jobs that keep her out of home so much that she doesn’t get a chance to enjoy the nooks she has created.

Bee got hitched too… a lovely resort wedding. And I just have to hand it to her - she was one chilled out bride and really meant it when she said that all she wants is for everyone to enjoy the wedding. There were no feelings of pique that all of us were hanging out while she sat thru pujas. She was rather cute in her gajras and as matter of fact as ever. If Bee is ever anything but less in control of herself… I want to be there to see it.

Mars quit his job and got one as a freelancer. He’s also in talks to set up a business of his own with a friend and another with India. He still comes on TV, still gets to test awesome bikes and go on trips but he no longer has to burn the midnight oil.

Paris is sailing along. They’ve moved to a new house and she’s happy with the bigger space. I’m sure yoga will help her achieve further nirvana of the old soul.

Titania has taken the reins of Mr. H’s factory. She knows no other enjoyment and wonders at us mortals talking of meagre things like love and fresh air.

Sky’s movie is all but ready to go on floor but recession has pushed it by a few months. This gives her time to get fit, look hot right in time for all the press she’s going to get.

Sytar and her husband moved closer to where India stays and there have been many lazy evenings spent over movies and board games and teas of various flavours.

Alanis got a registered wedding done in London with the DR. but we’re still due our Indian affair. She’s happy with her choice of man not so much with her man’s choice of country.

Kat got her certificate that qualifies her to teach dance and is happier than she’s ever been. Now if only her family was happy that she was happy.

Sal is going strong with his girl.

Aldair’s grown up but doesn’t like to admit it. Once upon a time India took him at face value but now she’s reading between the lines.

India doesn’t know how her year was. In this moment it was a dead year… her skin has mottled, her animation is mechanical, her hair is lank and she wears plum lipstick to hide the rest. But ask her tomorrow.

a new year is never the answer. a new year will soon just be the old year.

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