Friday, February 22, 2008

Herald of New Intentions

t for trivia

For some time now Piper has been at me about how the blog has not been living up to its promise of being about everything and everyone. And I find that it’s true. There were supposed to be movie reviews and music reccos and must reads and… Like I said in the first post - I spend so much time trying to make everything special and important that I lose the plot. Well... no more. As promised, the blog will be random and regular and about all thoughts and opinions.
So let me begin with some Trivia that I picked up yesterday –
I was chatting with Mrs. H and there is a statue in the room of a man on a horse with forefeet in the air. Mr. H said it was Shivaji but Mrs. H said it can’t be. And then with superiority she asked, tell me why this can’t be Shivaji.”
I looked from my prone angle and said, “He’s got a lance and his turban is different.”
Mrs. H tells us something interesting. “When a man dies a natural death, the status has all the hooves of the horse on the ground. When a man dies of battlefield wounds but not on the field, one foot up and one down. And when he dies on the battlefield both feet fly.”Shivaji died of wounds received on the battlefield but not on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

interesting ..