Thursday, May 24, 2007

Maudlin Madam

Just to look at on a slow day

Things that are depressing India today:

1. She hasn’t had a conversation with a man- ever. Boys don't count.
2. Her job is a dead end.
3. Men don’t run anymore. They aren't physically fit. They’ve become too damn dainty. I mean isn't physical prowess over the weaker sex supposed to be their one big advantage?! what kind of dumbf*&ks give that up? I could out walk and out run most. and the civilized notion of a gym is just as bad. Why won't they sweat? sigh. a la daniel craig. different kind of sigh.
picture courtesy:


Anonymous said...

yeah . but for daniel craig to be what he is ... he has to workout in a gym. then he can 'run like a man ' !

Anonymous said...

love your man like a boy and he will grow into a man.

Anonymous said...

men will be boys.

Goldbug said...

sure men will be boys.. i'd just like them to be men first.

Goldbug said...

and daniel craig was a momentary lapse of concentration.
the rest is part of a bigger whole.

phish said...

a real man doesn't really need to sweat his buttocks out, tingle his peckers and run the mile under four minutes.

physical fitness is important but that isn't really the criteria for a real man. as a concerned member of the species, let me assure you, as cliched as it may sound, strength of character and the ability to withstand life is far more important (whew).

if you however want him to outrun you, dc wasn't just a momentary lapse of concentration. real men in fiction have been known to do much more than swim and wield toy guns. They can also make love for nine straight hours, not think of anyone else while at it, make breakfast and quit smoking. sometimes all on the same day.

Anonymous said...

hahaha !
ekzhactly ,my man!

Anonymous said...

Try being a lady first. It may help.

Anonymous said...

Anon .. this is a public blog. Behave! ;)

Goldbug said...

hehe. i can't get over the vociferous rebuttals. ah well.
did i say that i think 'strength of character and ability to withstand life' is not imp? i did not. i mentioned what i miss, what i'd like.
anon - u be a man first in any sense of word at all and then i'll work at being a lady.

phish said...
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phish said...

hmmm. well, seems like for the moment u will have pretty more of these. most unfit males are known to be ferociously bellicose about their bellies.