Monday, August 31, 2009

The Thing With Dreams

From the time we are children we have innuemrable dreams that we remember indulgently.
Like running a boarding school.
Like being Ms. Universe (ok.. some dreams you remember with a cringe)
Like dancing in a broadway show as the main lead.
Like being Head girl.
Like running a huge conglomerate with all your friends.
Getting a tattoo.
And some you fulfilled and some you gladly forgot you had and some slip away while leaving you happy that you had them. You enjoyed the process of building a dream, detailing it, agonizing over it so much, that you don't really mind when it vanishes to nothing. It was special even as a castle in the air. Hell.. it was special because it was a castle in the air.
So Nemesis, the day you called to share your good news, you must know that about 83% of my childhood dreams died.


vimsical said...

Why in the world do girls take being the Head Girl so seriously?? I remember, this girl in class 7 started crying when her half of the term as the Head Girl expired and she had to hand over the responsibilities to the other girl.

vimsical said...

Why on earth did girl take being the Head Girl so seriously back in school? I remember , there was this girl in class 7 who started crying when she had to hand over her responsibility as the head girl to another girl after her term expired.

vimsical said...

i realised i ended up posting same comment twice :)

Goldbug said...

hehe.. no problem.. it makes it look as if i have traffic on my blog!
I can honestly say that i have no idea what the big deal with being head girl was.. now that it's so many years behind me.. i can only remember how dramatically important everything was and wonder why! it makes me feel like a Mallory Towers lead when i'd rather be in Naughtiest Girl.