Friday, October 20, 2006

Macabre Musings

India ain't suicidal. Having said that... read on.

See men fall and die
caught undignified in their hurry,
watch them all dead in their beds
smiling blankly at the thief.
look at them laid down in coffins,
other damp squibs curling in the sky.

shun the dog splayed roadside,
laud the rich man enshrined in his chair,
scorn the woman famoulsy obituarized,
but oh i'll have the prettiest death.

how dull to die with no thought of death,
how commonplace to meet it serenely,
i'll laugh and snatch and kill old age
and arrange myself beautifully.


Anonymous said...

Hello! You write well, almost like the lady who writes the Harry Potter books. Ive never read them though.
Any chance of adding a dictionary link to the site? For example, what does Macabre mean. I read your blog often, however, i dont understand much. I havent quite figured out whether i'm stupid or ure really smart! The dictionary may provide me with the answer. I hope you will take this in the right spirit and please please dont kick my dominatrix challenged ass again.

Goldbug said...

either i'm being modest or i'm being insulting... but i really don't think that i'm that very smart. so we'll have to go with option a.

Anonymous said...

great blog girl!

have you heard the latest...

the croonies are playing at opium...and they are giving away prizes!!

man its a good guys should check it out.