Sunday, June 18, 2006

Cause and Effect

5 Reasons why the women who can't drive, can't drive...
(most certainly written soon after the bike lessons)

1. We are essentially fatalists. If an accident can happen, it will happen. If it can’t, it will still happen.
2. Women are thinkers. Since we can’t be expected to concentrate on the road and save the world at the same time, we choose to save the world. Okay.. sometimes instead of saving the world we’re thinking about the gorgeous dress in the window.
3. It requires trust to be able to drive without getting a heart attack. You have to trust the idiot in front of you not to brake suddenly. You have to trust that the guy in the snazzy car isn’t going to want to prove himself by veering close to you. Women don’t trust easily. Obviously except for when we love someone.
4. Women are multi taskers by nature. We are genetically programmed to talk on the phone, cook and go through work at the same time. Driving curbs our natural instincts.
5. Shy women especially can’t drive.. you need to have a good abusive vocabulary. Either you abuse or you suffer from high blood pressure.


Anonymous said...

i just loved the artwork. and i agree about the abusive language... the rest could be excuses....

Goldbug said...

the artwork is neither courtesy maya not me.. it's from a site called in case anyone is interested in sourcing photos.

T Square said...
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T Square said...

mars would love to know that someone else takes time to trust other's driving/riding/balancing skills