Monday, September 01, 2008

And You Thought All We Care About Is Money.

The process of meeting single guys is fraught with he-could-have-been-the-one-if-only-he-didn’t-something type of conditions. I’m pretty sure every girl has her own set of standards for The Man. Some more predictable than others – smart, intelligent, funny, drop dead gorgeous, rich or getting there, etc and some that are unique to just you. So I asked around and got some interesting answers.
My question was simple, “What is that one elusive thing, almost a subconscious thought that makes you want to meet a guy again?” (this basically means anything that is not a given, the proverbial X factor infact)

Here is a list of x factors women came up with:
1. If I think I can fart in front of him I meet him again
2. if I can picture him as a CEO (simply picture.. the guy could be a NGO activist for all I care but he should look like he could be a CEO)
3. I imagine the kiss and if it doesn’t gross me out I’m in for the second date
4. I think about walking into a family wedding or a party with the guy and if I feel good/ proud about that thought, I’m okay with walking into a coffee shop for a second time.
5. If he has a pulse.

I need to ask more women. Unfortunately all my non-single friends claim they didn’t really have a criterion. Ha.


void said...

The process of meeting single women is fraught with she-looks-damn-interesting-how-the-hell-do-I-go-talk-to-her?-something type of conditions. Every guy finds different girls attractive. I, for one, wouldn't say any of the girls I've dated have been good looking on society's terms, but they were all gorgeous.

I'd say women in India have it better at finding a guy than vice versa. It's just plain numbers--please note, I'm not talking about quality.

Anyhoo, to address your post...
1. I don't see why she'd want to fart in FRONT of me, but I really don't have a problem if she farts when I'm around.
2. If she wants me to look like I could be a CEO, I want her to look like she could be a supermodel. Fair? (Erm, not fair. Only CEOs dress like CEOs really, and only supermodels dress like supermodels).
3. Fair enough.
4. Fair enough.
5. It's good to know she's no necrophiliac, but what if the dead guy looked like he could've been a dead CEO? Plus, she can fart in front of him all she wants and he'd STILL end up smelling worse than she ever could.

Okay, that was just me being daft, but seriously, this is pretty interesting research.

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